You’ll often be required to make phone calls at work. If the person you want to talk to isn’t available, you’ll need to leave a voicemail… And one of the big business English tasks you’ll have to complete is leaving a voicemail.
At my first office job, my boss would frequently complain about other industry professionals who left “bad” voicemails. They were either too long, and all the information she needed was at the end — which meant she had to listen to long voicemails twice… or they were so short she didn’t know if she needed to call them back!
The best voicemails follow a very specific pattern.
Knowing this pattern before you pick up your phone will keep you from saying too much or too little.

I used to dread leaving voicemails. When I heard that beep and knew it was time to start speaking… I never knew exactly what to say, or how to order the information. Until my first office-job boss, of course.
If you use the same pattern every time, your voicemails will be easy to understand and sound very professional.
It will also be easy to leave unplanned voicemails — they all follow the same formula, so you’ll create a great habit!
The Perfect Business English Voicemail Template
When you’re told to “leave a message,” have this information ready, in this order:
Your Name
If you know the person, you can just say your first name. If you don’t, give your first and last name.
Your Company
Tell the person where you work.
Your Phone Number
Yes, we have Caller ID. However, if you’re calling from a company phone, you might need to add an extension or a “direct” number that isn’t the main company number.
Why Are You Calling?
Tell them what you need, or what you need to know. Are you trying to get information? Are you calling someone back after they left you a message?
Repeat Your Contact Information
Then repeat your name, company, and phone number where they can reach you.
It’s as simple as that!
Before You Make the Phone Call
Before you make your work phone call, it might be helpful to have some notes in front of you. Since your contact information will never change, you can write it on a piece of paper and keep that paper near your phone.
Phones can make a lot of people nervous, but they don’t have to. Just take a deep breath and stay relaxed.
Use simple words and grammar when you explain your reason for leaving a message. After all, business English isn’t about being formal — it’s about being clear and effective.
Once you have these things covered, you can simply say, “Have a nice day!“
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